
Famous Trials Index
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"The Court Scene" from the Amistad. Murals by Hale Woodruff (1939) (Talladega College)
"The Death of Socrates" (painting by Jacques Louis David, 1787).
Clarence Darrow questions William Jennings Bryan during the Scopes Trial (1925).
Hermann Goering testifies in the Major War Criminals Trial in Nuremberg (1946).
Examination of a Witch" by Thompkins Matteson, 1853. (Suspect being examined for "witch's marks"
in Salem in 1692.)
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Trial of Socrates (399 B.C.)

Trial of Socrates (399 B.C.)

Gaius Verres Trial (70 B.C.)

Gaius Verres Trial (70 B.C.)

Trial of Jesus (30 A. D.)

Trial of Jesus
(30 A. D.)

Medieval Trials (897 to 1386)

Medieval Trials
(897 to 1386)

Trial of Joan of Arc (1431)

Trial of Joan of Arc (1431)

Trial of Gilles de Rais (1440)

Trial of Gilles de Rais (1440)

Martin Luther Trial (1521)

Martin Luther Trial (1521)

Thomas More Trial (1535)

Thomas More Trial (1535)

Trials of Giordano Bruno (1592-1600)

Trials of Giordano Bruno (1592-1600)

Gunpowder Plot Trial (1606)

Gunpowder Plot Trial (1606)

Trial of Galileo (1633)

Trial of Galileo (1633)

Trial of Anne Hutchinson (1637)

Trial of Anne Hutchinson (1637)

Mary Dyer Trials (1659-60)

Mary Dyer Trials (1659-60)

Salem Witchcraft Trials (1692)

Salem Witchcraft Trials (1692)

John Peter Zenger Trial (1735)

John Peter Zenger Trial (1735)

"New York Plot" Trials (1741)

"New York Plot" Trials (1741)

Boston Massacre Trials (1770)

Boston Massacre Trials (1770)

Mutiny on the Bounty Court-Martial (1792)

Mutiny on the Bounty Court-Martial (1792)

Burr Conspiracy Trial (1807)

Burr Conspiracy Trial (1807)

Turner (Slave Revolt) Trials (1831)

Turner (Slave Revolt) Trials (1831)

Amistad Trials (1839-1840)

Amistad Trials (1839-1840)

Carthage (Joseph Smith Murder)  Trial (1845)

Carthage (Joseph Smith Murder) Trial (1845)

The Dred Scott Trials  (1847-1856)

The Dred Scott Trials (1847-1856)

Burns Trial (1854)

Burns Trial (1854)

Celia, A Slave Trial (1855)

Celia, A Slave Trial (1855)

John Brown Trial (1859)

John Brown Trial (1859)

Dakota Conflict Trials (1862)

Dakota Conflict Trials (1862)

Lincoln Conspiracy Trial (1865)

Lincoln Conspiracy Trial (1865)

Andersonville Prison Trial (1865)

Andersonville Prison Trial (1865)

Johnson Impeachment (1868)

Johnson Impeachment (1868)

Susan Anthony Trial (1873)

Susan Anthony Trial (1873)

Mountain Meadows Massacre (1875-76)

Mountain Meadows Massacre (1875-76)

Molly Maguire Trials (1876-77)

Molly Maguire Trials (1876-77)

Earp (O.K. Corral) Trial (1881)

Earp (O.K. Corral) Trial (1881)

Charles Guiteau Trial (1881-82)

Charles Guiteau Trial (1881-82)

Louis Riel Trial (1885)

Louis Riel Trial (1885)

Haymarket Trial (1886)

Haymarket Trial (1886)

Lizzie Borden Trial (1893)

Lizzie Borden Trial (1893)

Dreyfus Affair Court-Martial (1894)

Dreyfus Affair Court-Martial (1894)

Three Trials of Oscar Wilde (1895)

Three Trials of Oscar Wilde (1895)

Bill Haywood Trial (1907)

Bill Haywood Trial (1907)

Thaw (White Murder) Trials (1907-08)

Thaw (White Murder) Trials (1907-08)

Sheriff Shipp Trial (1907-09)

Sheriff Shipp Trial (1907-09)

Triangle Fire Trial (1911)

Triangle Fire Trial (1911)

Leo Frank Trial (1913)

Leo Frank Trial (1913)

Sacco-Vanzetti Trial (1921)

Sacco-Vanzetti Trial (1921)

Black Sox Trial (1921)

Black Sox Trial (1921)

Adolf Hitler (Putsch) Trial (1924)

Adolf Hitler (Putsch) Trial (1924)

Leopold and Loeb Trial (1924)

Leopold and Loeb Trial (1924)

D. C. Stephenson Trial (1924)

D. C. Stephenson Trial (1924)

Scopes "Monkey" Trial (1925)

Scopes "Monkey" Trial (1925)

Sweet Trials (1925 & 1926)

Sweet Trials (1925 & 1926)

Osage Murder Trials (1926-29)

Osage Murder Trials (1926-29)

Al Capone Trial (1931)

Al Capone Trial (1931)

Massie Trials (1931 & 1932)

Massie Trials (1931 & 1932)

"Scottsboro Boys" Trials (1931-1937)

"Scottsboro Boys" Trials (1931-1937)

The Ulysses Trials (1933)

The Ulysses Trials (1933)

Hauptmann (Lindbergh) Trial (1935)

Hauptmann (Lindbergh) Trial (1935)

Trial of the Nazi Saboteurs (1942)

Trial of the Nazi Saboteurs (1942)

Korematsu Trial (1942-1944)

Korematsu Trial (1942-1944)

Nuremberg Trials (1945-49)

Nuremberg Trials (1945-49)

Tokyo War Crimes Trial (1946-48)

Tokyo War Crimes Trial (1946-48)

Alger Hiss Trials (1949-50)

Alger Hiss Trials (1949-50)

Brown v Topeka Board of Ed. (1951)

Brown v Topeka Board of Ed. (1951)

Rosenberg  Trial (1951)

Rosenberg Trial (1951)

Oppenheimer Security Hearing (1954)

Oppenheimer Security Hearing (1954)

Sam Sheppard Trials (1954 & 66)

Sam Sheppard Trials (1954 & 66)

Emmett Till Murder Trial (1955)

Emmett Till Murder Trial (1955)

Confidential Magazine Trial (1957)

Confidential Magazine Trial (1957)

Nelson Mandela Trial  (1963-64)

Nelson Mandela Trial (1963-64)

Lenny Bruce Trial (1964)

Lenny Bruce Trial (1964)

Mississippi Burning Trial (1967)

Mississippi Burning Trial (1967)

"The Chicago Eight" Trial (1969 - 1970)

"The Chicago Eight" Trial (1969 - 1970)

My Lai Courts Martial (1970)

My Lai Courts Martial (1970)

Charles Manson Trial (1970-71)

Charles Manson Trial (1970-71)

Pentagon Papers (Ellsberg) Trial (1973)

Pentagon Papers (Ellsberg) Trial (1973)

Patty Hearst Trial (1976)

Patty Hearst Trial (1976)

Leonard Peltier Trial (1977)

Leonard Peltier Trial (1977)

Dan White Trial (1979)

Dan White Trial (1979)

Chamberlain "Dingo" Trial (1982)

Chamberlain "Dingo" Trial (1982)

John Hinckley, Jr. Trial (1982)

John Hinckley, Jr. Trial (1982)

Falwell v Flynt Trial (1984)

Falwell v Flynt Trial (1984)

Bernhard Goetz Trial (1987)

Bernhard Goetz Trial (1987)

McMartin Preschool Trial (1987-90)

McMartin Preschool Trial (1987-90)

LAPD (King Beating) Trial (1992)

LAPD (King Beating) Trial (1992)

Ruby Ridge (Weaver) Trial (1993)

Ruby Ridge (Weaver) Trial (1993)

West Memphis Three Trials (1994)

West Memphis Three Trials (1994)

O. J. Simpson Trial (1995)

O. J. Simpson Trial (1995)

Okla City Bombing Trial (1997)

Okla City Bombing Trial (1997)

Dr. Kevorkian Trial (1999)

Dr. Kevorkian Trial (1999)

Clinton Impeachment  Trial (1999)

Clinton Impeachment Trial (1999)

Laramie (Shepard Murder)  Trials (1999)

Laramie (Shepard Murder) Trials (1999)

Moussaoui (9/11) Trial (2006)

Moussaoui (9/11) Trial (2006)

Enron (Lay & Skilling) Trial (2006)

Enron (Lay & Skilling) Trial (2006)

Trial of Amanda Knox (2009)

Trial of Amanda Knox (2009)

Breivik (Norway Massacre) Trial (2012)

Breivik (Norway Massacre) Trial (2012)

Zimmerman (Trayvon Martin) Trial 2013

Zimmerman (Trayvon Martin) Trial 2013

Animal Rights Trials (2013-19)

Animal Rights Trials (2013-19)

George Floyd Murder (Chauvin) Trial (2021)

George Floyd Murder (Chauvin) Trial (2021)

Trump (Hush Money) Trial (2024)

Trump (Hush Money) Trial (2024)

Frank on the witness stand

Dr. Thomas Hancock, a Columbia University graduate and chief of medicine for the Georgia Railway and Power Company, conducted a physical examination of Leo Frank. He was called by the defense to cast doubt on the testimony of Jim Conley, who claimed on the stand that Frank had told him he was "not built [sexually] like other men."

Examination by Luther Rosser

Frank: "To the best of my knowledge, it must have been from ten to fifteen minutes after Miss Hall left my office, when this little girl, whom I afterwards found to be Mary Phagan, entered my office and asked for her pay envelope. I asked for her number and she told me; I went to the cash box and took her envelope out and handed it to her, identifying the envelope by the number. She left my office and apparently had gotten as far as the door from my office leading to the outer office, when she evidently stopped and asked me if the metal had arrived, and I told her no. She continued on her way out, and I heard the sound of her footsteps and she went away. It was a few moments after she asked me this question that I had an impression of a female voice saying something; I don't know which way it came from; just passed away and I had that impression. This little girl had evidently worked in the metal department by her question and had been laid off owing to the fact that some metal that had been ordered had not arrived at the factory; hence, her question. I only recognized this little girl from having seen her around the plant and did not know her name, simply identifying her envelope from her having called her number to me...."

Frank: "Gentlemen, I was nervous. I was completely unstrung. Imagine yourself called from sound slumber in the early hours of the morning, whisked through the chill morning air without breakfast, to go into that undertaking establishment and have the light suddenly flashed on a scene like that. To see that little girl on the dawn of womanhood so cruelly murdered-it was a scene that would have melted stone. Is it any wonder I was nervous?...."

Frank: "The date I was taken into custody, my wife was there. But I thought I would save her the humiliation of seeing me in those surroundings. I expected any day to be turned loose and returned once more to her side at home. Gentlemen, we had to restrain her. She was willing to be locked up with me...."

Frank: "[After the detectives failed to get a confession from Newt Lee they] grilled the Negro and put words into his mouth that twisted not alone [my] English but distorted my meaning. I decided then and there that if that was the line of conduct they were going to pursue, I would wash my hands of them..."
Frank: "I did not speak to Conley not because I did not want to ... but because I didn't want to have things twisted. I knew that there was not a word that I could utter that they would not deform and distort and use against me...."

Frank: "Gentlemen, I know nothing whatever of the death of little Mary Phagan. I had no part in causing her death nor do I know how she came to her death after she took her money and left my office. I never even saw Conley in the factory or anywhere else on that date, April 26, 1913...
The statement of the Negro Conley is a tissue of lies from first to last. I know nothing whatever of the cause of the death of Mary Phagan and Conley's statement as to his coming up and helping me dispose of the body, or that I had anything to do with her or to do with him that day is a monstrous lie...
The story as to Women coming into the factory with me for immoral purposes is a base lie and the few occasions that he claims to have seen me in indecent positions with Women is a lie so vile that I have no language with which to fitly denounce it...
Gentlemen, some newspaper men have called me "the silent man in the tower," and I have kept my silence and my counsel advisedly, until the proper time and place. The time is now; the place is here; and I have told you the truth, the whole truth...."