Transcript of Recording Taped by Michael Cohen Between Cohen and Donald Trump

Conversation regarding how much to pay to buy and kill Karen McDougal's story about her affair with Donald Trump on 9/6/2016. 

(David is David Pecker, owner of the National Enquirer.  Allen Weisselberg is the CFO of the Trump Organization.)

People’s Exhibit 248 

Michael Cohen: Told you about Charleston. I need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend, David, you know, so that -- I’m going to do that right away. I’ve actually come up and I’ve spoken --

Donald J. Trump: Give it to me and get me a --

Michael Cohen: And, I’ve spoken to Allen Weisselberg about how to set the whole thing up with --

Donald J. Trump: So, what do we got to pay for this? One-fifty?

Michael Cohen: -- funding. Yes. And it’s all the stuff.

Donald J. Trump: Yes, I was thinking about that.

Michael Cohen: All the stuff. Because -- here, you never know where that company, you never know what he’s --

Donald J. Trump: Maybe he gets hit by a truck

Michael Cohen: Correct. So, I’m all over that. And, I spoke to Allen about it, when it comes time for the financing, which will be --

Donald J. Trump: Listen, what financing?

Michael Cohen: We’ll have to pay him something.

Donald J. Trump: (INAUDIBLE) pay with cash.

Michael Cohen: No, no, no, no, no, I got it.

Donald J. Trump: Check

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