Judge Merchan Finds Trump in Contempt of Court for the Tenth Time and Warns of Possible Jail Time if Violations of His Gag Order Continue

May 6, 2024  (Transcript, pp. 2249-2251)


Judge Juan Merchan

THE COURT: Good morning .

Good morning, Mr. Trump. So, the matter called into the record is the People's motion for contempt .

Before I hand down my decision, I did want to address the Defense and Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump, as you know, the Prosecution has filed three separate motions asking this Court to find you in contempt. In a moment, I am going to hand down my decision on the third motion, in which I find you in criminal contempt for the tenth time .

It appears that the $ 1,000 fines are not serving as a deterrent; therefore, going forward, this Court will have to consider a jail sanction if recommended.

Mr. Trump, it's important to understand that the last thing I want to do is to put you in jail. You are the former President of the United States and possibly the next President, as well. There are many reasons why incarceration is truly a last resort for me. To take that step would be disruptive to these proceedings, which I imagine you want to end as quickly as possible.

I also worry about the people who would have to execute that sanction: the court officers, the correction officers, the Secret Service detail, among others. I worry about them and about what would go into executing such a sanction.

Of course, I'm also aware of the broader implications of such a sanction. The magnitude of such a decision is not one-sided.

But, at the end of the day, I have a job to do, and part of that job is to protect the dignity of the judicial system and compel respect. Your continued violations of this Court's lawful Order threaten to interfere with the administration of justice in constant attacks which constitute a direct attack on the rule of law. I cannot allow that to continue, so as much as I do not want to impose a jail sanction, and I have done everything I can to avoid doing so, I want you to understand that I will, if necessary and appropriate.

Do the attorneys have any other questions about I will now hand down the decision from the Court.


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