Excerpts from the Testimony of Key Witnesses

Leo and Lucille Frank during the 1913 trial
Witnesses for the Prosecution
George Epps
(15-year-old who claimed to have talked with Mary Phagan on streetcar shortly before murder)
Newt Lee
(night watchman at pencil factory who discovered body)
Grace Hicks
(16-year-old co-worker at pencil factory)
Detective John Black
(lead detective on Phagan murder case)
Jim Conley
(writer of murder notes and accuser of Frank)
Witnesses for the Defense
Dr. Leroy Childs
(testified concerning time of death)
Dr. Thomas Hancock
(examined Leo Frank)
Philip Chambers
(15-year-old pencil factory employee)
Leo M. Frank
Most of the excerpts from the testimony on this page were collected from
And the Dead Shall Rise by Steve Oney (2003, Vintage Books), pp 190-305.