Statement of Thomas Wintour after Capture (November 23, 1605)

Note:  Soldiers under the command of Sir Richard Walsh tracked Thomas Percy and other conspirators to Holbeach House in Staffordshire. This is a statement given by Thomas Wintour, one of the plotters who was shot and captured at Holbeach:


Transcript of Statement by Thomas Wintour (November 23, 1605)

When I came I found Mr. Catesby reasonable well, Mr. Percy, both the Wrights, Mr. Rokewood and Mr. Grant. I asked them what they resolved to do. They answered “We mean here to die”. I said again I would take such part as they did. About eleven of the clock came the company to beset the house, and as I walked into the court was shot into the shoulder, which lost me the use of my arm. The next shot was the elder Wright struck; after him the younger Mr. Wright, and fourthly Ambrose Rokewood. Then, said Mr. Catesby to me (standing before the door they were to enter), “Stand by, Mr. Tom, and we will die together.” “Sir,” quoth I, “I have lost the use of my right arm and I fear that will cause me to be taken.” So as we stood close together Mr. Catesby, Mr. Percy and myself, they two were shot, and then the company entered upon me.



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