The Rosenberg Letters (Garland Publishing, 1994)(709p.)

Goldstein, Alvin, The Unquiet Death of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (Lawrence Hill, 1975).
Meerpol, Robert and Michael, We Are Your Sons (Univ. of Illinois Press, 1986)(470 p.)
Meerpol, Robert, An Execution in the Family (St. Martins Press, 2003)
Nizer, Louis, The Implosion Conspiracy (Doubleday & Co., 1973)(495 p.)
Pilat, Oliver, The Atom Spies (Putnam's, 1952).

Schneir, Walter and Miriam, Invitation to an Inquest (Pantheon Books, 1983)(522 p.)
Sharp, Malcolm, Was Justice Done? The Rosenberg-Sobell Case (Monthly Review Press, 1956).
Sobell, Morton, On Doing Time (Scribner's, 1974)
Sudoplatov, Pavel and Anatoli; Schecter, Jerrold and Leona, Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness (Little, Brown & Co., 1994).
Countryman, Vern, "Out, Damned Spot: Judge Kaufman and the Rosenberg Case," The New Republic (Ocotober 8, 1977).
Joyce Milton, "The Old Left: Fort McNair Postcard," The New Republic (April 11, 1997).
Ronald Radosh, "The Verona Files," The New Republic (August 7, 1995).
Ronald Radosh, "Final Verdict," The New Republic (1997).
Walter Scheir, "Tales From the KGB," The Nation (April 7, 1997).
William Cohen, Justice Douglas and the Rosenberg Case: Setting the Record Straight, 70 Cornell L. Rev. 211 (1985).
Sheila M. Brennan, Popular Images of American Women in the 1950's and Their Impact on Ethel Rosenberg's Trial and Conviction, 14 Women's Rts. L. Rep. 43 (1992).
The Rosenberg Case: Some Reflections on Federal Criminal Law, 54 Colum. L. Rev. 219 (1954).
Michael Dobbs, "Julius Rosenberg Spied, Russian Says; Agent's Handler Contradicts Moscow in Controversial '50s Case," The Washington Post, A-1, March 16, 1997.
Margolick, David, At the Bar: "In Honoring His Parents, the Rosenbergs' Younger Son Finds a Mission for Himself," New York Times (1983).
Sam Roberts, "Years Later, a Witness is Still Hiding," New York Times (September 9, 1990).
United States vs. Rosenberg, 195 F. 2d 583 (2nd Circuit, 1952).
United States vs. Rosenberg, 200 F. 2d 666 (2nd Circuit, 1952).
Rosenberg Vs. United States, 346 U. S. 273 (U. S. Supreme Court, 1953).
Meerpol vs. Nizer, 560 F. 2d 1061 (2nd Circuit, 1977).
United States of America vs. Julius Rosenberg, Ethel Rosenberg, Anatoli A. Yakovlev, David Greenglass, and Morton Sobell, U. S. District Court, Southern District of New York, C.134-245, March 6- April 6, 1951 (republished in 1952 in eight volumes).
INTERNET ("The Perlin Papers On-Line") (FBI files)
Daniel (Paramount Pictures, 1983)(Sidney Lumet, Director. Screenplay by E. L. Doctorow, from his historical novel, "The Book of Daniel.")
The Rosenberg File: Case Closed (Discovery Channel, 1997)(Featuring interviews with Rosenberg's Soviet control, Alexsander Feklisov.)