Now available on the Internet:
The 948-page summary of the FBI's MIBURN ("Mississippi Burning") investigation.
To go to the FBI documents, click here: MIBURN DOCUMENTS
Prosecutive Summary of the Investigation of the Abduction and Murder of James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Henry Schwerner on June 21, 1964 (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
United States of America v. Cecil Ray Price et al., Criminal Action No. 5291, heard in Federal District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi in Meridian, October 11-21, 1967 (trial transcript)

Belfrage, Sally. Freedom Summer (Viking Press, 1965)
McCord, William. Mississippi: The Long Hot Summer (Norton, 1965)
McIlhany, William. Klandestine: The Untold Story of Delmar Dennis (Arlington House, 1975)
Mars, Florence. Witness at Philadelphia (Louisiana University Press, 1976)
Mendelsohn, Jack. The Martyrs: 16 Who Gave Their Lives for Justice (Harper & Row, 1966)
Rothschild, Mary Aiken. A Case of Black and White: Northern Volunteers and the Southern Freedom Summers (Greenwood, 1982)

Whitehead, Don, Attack on Terror: The FBI Against the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi (Funk & Wagnalls, 1970)
Atwater, James. "If We Can Crack Mississippi," The Saturday Evening Post, July 2, 1964
Hendrickson, Paul. "20 Years Ago in the Heat of the Night," Washington Post, July 10, 1984
Lomax, Louis E. "The Road to Mississippi," Ramparts special edition, 1964
Nevin, David. "A Strange Tight Little Town, Loathe to Admit Complicity" Life, December 18, 1964
Spain, David M. "Mississippi Autopsy" Ramparts, special edition, 1964
"A Recollection of Michael Schwerner" The Reporter, July 16, 1964
NBC, "Murder in Mississippi: The Price of Freedom" (1990)

Orion Pictures, "Mississippi Burning" (1988)(fictionalized)
WBZ-TV Boston,"Mississippi Summer: The Unfinished Journey" (1984)
Buford Posey's Account of Murders
Mississippi and Freedom Summer
LBJ got conflicting input
Finding the Bodies: New Details on the FBI's $30,000 Reward (Jerry Mitchell, Clarion Ledger)
Review of "Mississippi Burning"