Most of the trial excerpts on this page are taken from longer excerpts reprinted in Abuse of Innocence, by Paul and Shirley Eberle (Prometheus Book, 1993).

Kee MacFarlane testifying
Opening Statements
Opening Statement for Prosecution by Deputy District Attorney Lael Rubin
Opening Statement by Dean Gits, Attorney for Peggy Buckey
Opening Statement by Daniel Davis, Attorney for Ray Buckey
Selected Witnesses for the Prosecution
Alleged Victim (girl, age 12)
Mother of Two Alleged Victims
George Freeman (jailhouse informant)
Alleged Victim (boy, age 11)
Dr. Bruce Woodling
Kee MacFarlane
Selected Witnesses for the Defense
Dr. Michael Maloney
Charles Buckey
Betty Raidor
Peggy Buckey
Ray Buckey