Abernathy, Thomas P., The Burr Conspiracy (1954)
Burr, Aaron. Reports of the Trials of Colonel Aaron Burr. De Capo, 1969 (reprint of 1808 edition).
Report of the Trial of Aaron Burr for Treason (Causes Celebres, Vol. V), printed from the report taken in short hand by David Robertson. Frederick Linn & Co., 1879.
Coombs, J. J. The Trial of Aaron Burr for High Treason. Morrison, 1864 (reprinted in 1992 as part of the Notable Trials Library, with an introduction by Alan Dershowitz).
Elliott,, John and Hammett, Ellen. Charged with Treason. McClain Printing, 1986.

McCaleb, Walter. The Aaron Burr Conspiracy. (1903, republished with new materials by Argosy, 1966.)

Rogow, Arnold A., A Fatal Friendship: Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr (1998).
Vidal, Gore, Burr: A Novel (1973).