Alfred Jodl
General Alfred Jodl.
Jodl in the Nuremberg courtroom.
Verdict and Sentencing of Alfred Jodl
Erich Raeder

Admiral Erich Raeder in uniform.
Verdict and Sentencing of Erich Raeder
Walther Funk

Banker Walther Funk accepting his office as Minister of Economics from Hermann Goering.

Walther Funk in Spandau.
Verdict and Sentencing of Walther Funk
Wilhelm Frick

Wilhelm Frick, Minister of the Interior.

Wilhelm Frick in Nuremberg Prison during the trial.
Verdict and Sentencing of Wilhelm Frick
Hans Fritzsche
Verdict and Sentencing of Hans Fritzsche
Baldur von Schirach
Baldur von Schirach with some of his Hilter Youth.
Baldur von Schirach in Nuremberg.
Verdict and Sentencing of Baldur von Schirach
Constantin von Neurath
Constantin von Neurath (far right) and Hermann Goering (far left) at a reception.
Neurath with his daughter after his release from Spandau prison.
Verdict and Sentencing of Constantin von Neurath
Joachim von Ribbentrop
Ribbentrop (second from the right) with Molotov (far left) and Stalin (far right) at the signing of the treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union -- Ribbentrop's greatest accomplishment, later undone by Hitler.
Ribbentrop with his attorney during the trial.
Verdict and Sentencing of Joachim von Ribbentrop
Albert Speer
Verdict and Sentencing of Albert Speer
Arthur Seyss-Inquart
Verdict and Sentencing of Arthur Seyss-Inquart
Fritz Sauckel
Sauckel -- provider of slaves to the Reich.
Verdict and Sentencing of Fritz Sauckel