The following excerpt is included in The Trial of Bernhard Goetz (Aae Films, 1988).
Direct Examination:
Judge: The people may call their next witness.
Waples: Your Honor I recall James Ramseur.
Do you solely swear that the testimony that you shall give to this court and the jury in the case, People of the State of New York against Bernhard H. Goetz, defendant at the bar, shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Witness: So help me God.
Be seated.
Waples: Are you ready to testify now, Mr. Ramseur?
Witness: Yes I am.
Waples: How old are you?
Witness: Twenty.
Waples: Where are you living now?
Witness: At C74.
Waples: You’re in jail?
Witness: Right.
Waples: And are you serving a sentence at the present time?
Witness: Yes.
Waples: What sentence are you serving?
Witness: For a rape charge that I never committed.
Waples: What sentence are you serving.
Witness: Eight and a third to twenty-five.
Waples: And those are years, are they not?
Witness: Yes they are.
Waples: And what were you convicted of that caused you to be sentenced to a eight-and-a-third to twenty-five years in jail.
Witness: Suppose to be acting in concert to rape, robbery, sodomy and assault.
Waples: Did you plead guilty or were you convicted at the trial?
Witness: Convicted at the trial.
Waples: On December 1984, how are you supporting yourself?
Witness: I was stealing.
Waples: You were shoplifting?
Witness: Yes I was.
Waples: And what would you do with the stuff that you stole?
Witness: Sell it.
Waples: December 22, Saturday before Christmas of 1984, do you remember that day Mr. Ramseur?
Witness: Yes.
Waples: Did their come a time when you met Troy Canty, Barry Allen and Darrell Caby?
Witness: Yes.
Waples: And what’d they ask you?
Witness: I think it was Troy who ask me did I want to go out with him. That we were goin to rob video machines and I answered yes.
Waples: And did you get on the train at 149th Street and Third Avenue?
Witness: Yes.
Waples: And do you remember making a stop at 14th Street during that journey downtown?
Witness: Yes.
Waples: Did you notice anyone get on that point?
Witness: Yes.
Waples: And do you know who that is now?
Witness: Yes.
Waples: Who is that?
Witness: Bernhard Goetz.
Waples: Now tell us exactly what happen next. Keep your voice up.
Witness: After the door closed and a little while later I turned my head to look toward where Troy Canty was sittin and I noticed he was up in Bernhard Goetz face.
Waples: Now, who was up in Bernhard Goetz face?
Witness: Troy Canty.
Waples: What exactly was Troy Canty doing?
Witness: He was bent over like he was sayin something to him. But he was asking him for the time. Cause I heard him say something but I’m not sure what he said.
Waples: How far was Troy Canty from the defendant? You said he was right in his face. What does that mean?
Witness: Where I am from this mic.
Waples: Well how was Troy Canty positioned?
Witness: With both his hands on his knees.
Waples: Can you stand up and show the jury exactly the position Troy Canty was in?
(Witness gets up to demonstrate)
Witness: Like this.
Waples: Hands on his knees.
Witness: Yes.
Waples: Did he have anything in his hands?
Witness: Not that I could see.
Waples: And what happen?
Witness: Well, I had my, like right about, I was facing Darrell Caby. I seen Darrell Caby was lookin and his eyes were more wider looking towards them.
Waples: Uh.huh.
Witness: And I turned around and I guess the gun had already gone off and I heard, you know, the shot. He fell.
Waples: Now were you in a position see that first shot?
Witness: No.
Waples: Incidentally did you or were you aware that Troy Canty was going to get up and walk over to the defendant?
Witness: No.
Waples: What happen then?
Witness: Barry Allen jumped up and yelled out, If I may curse, I’ll say it?
Waples: Just tell us what you heard.
Witness: Barry Allen yelled out Troy’s name, he yelled out, bleeped out, Troy. I went over to try to get to him or whatever.
Waples: Now when you turned and heard that shot… do you know where the defendant was?
Witness: Yes, the defendant was turning towards Barry Allen.
Waples: So what was his position, his body position at that time?
Witness: He had both his hands on the gun and he was turning toward where we were at. That would be his right- hand side.
Waples: And what exactly did you see Barry Allen do?
Witness: I just seen him jump up.
Waples: Jump up from where?
Witness: From out his seat.
Waples: What direction did he go?
Witness: Towards where Troy was.
Waples: What happen then?
Witness: I just heard another shot and he was down.
Waples: And what did Darrell Caby do?
Witness: He jumped up he was trying to get out the door but I had my back pressing towards his so he couldn’t get out the door.
Waples: And what happen next?
Witness: Goetz shot me.
Waples: Now what was your position when you were shot.
Witness: When I was shot?’
Waples: Um hum..
Witness: I seen him. You know look like the gun was aiming at me. It was like it was aiming toward my chest. So I turned to the side. I just felt it. I felt the bullet go in my chest.
Waples: Now can you stand up and show the jury exactly the position you were in when you were shot?
Witness stands up. I was over that door bent over, my hands were like this. And I know how I turned around.
Waples: Now, when you say turn, what do you mean?
Witness: I turned away, you know to dodge the bullet to try and get away from it.
Waples: Sit down.
Waples: What did you see and hear next?
Witness: The next thing that I heard was a another shot.
Waples: Now, were you in a position to see who was being shot at?
Witness: No.
Waples: Now what happen after you heard that shot?
Witness: Darrell Caby was yelling, “I didn’t do nothing.”
Slotnick: Objection, your Honor. I ask that be stricken.
Judge: Overruled.
Waples: What happen after that Mr. Ramseur?
Witness: I could see that Goetz was going toward Darrell Caby.
Waples: What do you mean?
Witness: From where I was he was going to Darrell Caby, towards where Darrell Caby was.
Waples: And what did you see and hear?
Witness: The next thing that I heard was him saying, “they was trying to rob me.”
Waples: Who was saying that?
Bernhard Goetz.
Waples: Who was he talking to at that time, if anyone, do you know?
Witness: I don’t know who he was talking to.
Waples: You had a screwdriver in your possession at that time?
Witness: Yes.
Waples: Did you ever take it out?
Witness: No.
Waples: Even during the shooting?
Witness: No.
Waples: I have no further questions Judge.
Cross-examination by Barry Slotnick
Slotnick: You’re the same James Ramseur that was here before? Refused to be sworn by the Bible, in fact, you just waved it away and said you weren’t going to testify, is that right?
Witness: Yes it is.
Slotnick: And you’re the same James Ramseur who went Judge in B county serving eight and third to 25 years, it that right?
Witness: Yes it is.
Slotnick: You’re the same James Ramseur who was convicted in B county for rape?
Witness: Yes it is.
Slotnick: Robbery?
Witness: Yes it is.
Slotnick: Sodomy?
Witness: Yes.
Slotnick: Assualt?
Witness: Yes.
Slotnick: Possession of a weapon?
Witness: Yes.
Slotnick: And you’re the same James Ramseur who was convicted for sodomy of a pregnant woman by the name Cordila Mornay, causing her eighteen stitches in her anus.
Witness: Yes I was but I never committed that crime.
Slotnick: You were tried before a judge and jury weren’t ya?
Witness: Yes I was.
Slotnick: The judge who saw the trial, he sentenced you didn’t he?
Witness: Yes he did.
Slotnick: Did he give you eight and third years?
Witness: Yes he did.
Slotnick: You know even before you see the parole board you gotta do eight and a third years in jail?
Witness: Yes I do.
Slotnick: Yeah, there came a time, the DA of New York county gave you immunity from prosecution in this case, is that right?
Witness: Yes it is.
Slotnick: And I mean when you were first asked to testify in the Grand Jury, you refused?
Witness: That’s right.
Slotnick: You were there, you were given the Bible, you just absolutely refused to testify without immunity?
Witness: Yes.
Slotnick: Once you got your assuance from the DA that you couldn’t be prosecuted for anything you did on December 22nd, 1984, then you agreed to testify it that correct?
Witness: That’s correct.
Slotnick: Now, on December 22nd, 1984 when you were on the Number 2 train going down downtown. How many warrants were pending against you from the New York City police department?
Witness: Four.
Slotnick: I’m sorry I didn’t hear that.
Witness: Four.
Slotnick: How did you happen to get so many warrants pending against you from the New York City police department?
Witness: Not going to court.
Slotnick: Oh in other words you get arrested then just not go back to court, is that right?
Witness: That’s right.
Slotnick: Tell the jury what happened with all those cases.
Witness: Can I tell the jury why what happened?
Slotnick: No.
Witness: Why not?
Slotnick: I ask the questions to you Mr. Ramseur.
Witness: Why not?
Slotnick: You answer them. Tell the jury what happened on those four pending cases.
Witness: What happened is I got sentenced to 90 days.
Slotnick: You also told Mr. Waples and the Grand Jury that you were bringing a suit, a civil suit against Mr. Goetz?
Witness: Yes.
Slotnick: And you told Mr. Waples and the Grand Jury that without question you wanted to collect money on this suit, is that right?
Witness: Yes it is.
Slotnick: You were suing Mr. Goetz for money and you wanted to get it.
Witness: Yes.
Slotnick: Don’t that time Cordila Mornay hadn’t been raped, robbed, assaulted and sodomized, so you didn’t know you were going be spending eight and a third years in jail. You thought you were going to be out spending Mr. Goetz’s money, right?
Witness: Yeah, if you want to put it that way, of course.
Slotnick: Now you knew in order to get Mr. Goetz’s money, you had to show that you weren’t a part of the robbery?
Witness: Of course, I never was until this. Until after this Goetz’s case.
Slotnick: You knew that in order for you to prevail you have maintain a story that you were innocent of robbing Mr. Goetz.
Witness: Yes and that’s exactly why you set me up, right? I mean you and Goetz are in it.
Slotnick: As a matter of fact, you knew quite clearly that as far as Mr. Goetz went, if he was found in any way not guilty of shooting you, you wouldn’t get any money.
Witness: He’s gonna be found not guilty anyway. I know what time it is.
Slotnick: Now Mr. Ramseur, I believe you told us that the screwdriver you had in your pocket you put in your pocket two days before, is that correct?
Witness: Yes.
Slotnick: Now when you testified before the Grand Jury on March 18th, didn’t you tell the Grand Jury that that screwdriver had been in your pocket for a week straight? Didn’t you tell the Grand Jury you didn’t even know you had it?
Witness: Jury you didn’t even know you had it?
Witness: No, I don’t remember telling the Grand Jury that.
Slotnick: You don’t remember telling the Grand Jury that?
Witness: Nope.
Slotnick: Well, on March 18th on page 230, when you were asked this question, did you give this answer: “Why were you carrying that screwdriver?” Answer: “That was I’d say, that screwdriver was in my pocket for a week straight.”
Witness: Nope.
Slotnick: You never said that to the Grand Jury?
Witness: I don’t remember saying that.
Slotnick: May I have a moment your Honor? I’d like to show you a document and maybe this will refresh your recollection.
Witness: I don’t want to see it.
Slotnick: I’m sorry.
Witness: I don’t want to see it. You could have just made those up.
Slotnick: No, give it a try Mr. Ramseur it might jog your memory if after you have read it you decide it doesn’t help then you can say so. Now, does that refresh your recollection that you told the Grand Jury something different than you told us here?
Witness: Nope.
Slotnick: Mr. Ramseur, did you tell us that ah the purpose of your trip downtown was to break into video games?
Witness: Yes.
Slotnick: Did you tell any police officers that the reason you went downtown was to break into video games?
Witness: That wasn’t a reason, I’m trying..
Slotnick: Answer my question, did you tell any police officers that the reason you went downtown to break into video machines.
Witness: Yes, but I never said…
Slotnick: Your Honor could I have an admonition to this witness?
Witness: You see he’s trying to trick me.
Judge: Listen, don’t volunteer because Mr. Waples has an opportunity if he thinks he needs it to illicit from you any additional information along with what limited questions and answers you have given to Mr. Slotnick.
Witness:He’s twisting things around and I don’t like that.
Judge: Mr. Ramseur, please, listen to me. This is the way it works. You have to keep this jury’s eye on the ball. Now Mr. Slotnick is asking questions and cross that require very narrow answers. You have to concentrate on his questions, answer the questions as best you can. If don’t understand, tell them, tell him you don’t understand them. If you can’t answer yes or no, tell him you can’t answer yes or no. Don’t volunteer anything.
Witness: He’s trying to twist.
Judge: Listen to me. Mr. Waples will get the chance after Mr. Slotnick is finished to flush out what you have to say. Leave it up to Mr. Waples. Let’s go on Mr. Slotnick.
Slotnick: On the day of the shooting you asked by a detective by the name of McCormick why you were going downtown and you said you and your friends were going downtown to buy some items you could wholesale on the street.
Witness: I don’t remember.
Slotnick: Well perhaps I can help you if I show you this police report. Maybe this will refresh your recollection.
Witness: I don’t need to see no police report.
Slotnick: Excuse me, I didn’t hear you.
Witness: I don’t need to see no police report.
Slotnick: You think they’re lying?
Witness: Yap, twisting my stories around, I’m telling the truth. I’ve got nothing to hide.
Slotnick: Yeah well, then the police officer McCormick what he put in his report then was.
Witness: He twisted it around or you did.
Slotnick: Maybe he even lied to you, is that correct. Maybe he even lied on this report.
Witness: I guess so.
Slotnick: Could you make a little effort, perhaps, if I show you the report. Would you read it. You tell us what ‘s the truth , what’s a lie and where a police officer twisted your words around.
Witness: Look I don’t need to read it because I know what happen and I know what I told people. I told the truth. I’ve got nothing to hide like I’m telling you now.
Slotnick: Alright, now did you talk to another policeman.
Witness: I don’t remember.
Judge: Wait for the question. He said the 22nd.
Slotnick: Police office Natali, more specifically. Do you remember a lady police officer?
Witness: Yes I do.
Slotnick: Well did you tell her ..
Witness: No.
Slotnick: Oh…so what you have (mumbling) is a lie?
Witness: um hum
Slotnick: You know what’s in the report?
Witness: Yes
Slotnick: Tell us, tell us what’s in the report.
Witness: No
Slotnick: You tell us, go ahead. You tell us. Come on, take your hand away from your mouth. Slotnick: Pay attention.
Witness: Look I already looked through this with Waples. I know the story, he twisted it up too, I guess.
Slotnick: Mr. Ramseur, can you answer this question with a yes or a no. Maybe I can help you. Slotnick: Do I make you nervous?
Witness: No. You don’t make me nervous.
Slotnick: Are you nervous?
Witness: No.
Slotnick: Alright then, why don’t you answer this question? Did you tell Natelly not only were the four you not loud but you weren’t hanging on bars or annoying the other passengers.
Witness: No.
Slotnick: Isn’t a matter of fact you were loud, you were hanging on bars and annoying the other passengers?
Witness: No. I’m not that type of person. I ‘m not a monkey. I don’t swing on bars.
Slotnick: Well, what about your other friends? Were they loud? Hanging on bars? Annoying the other passengers?
Witness: No.
Slotnick: Well if I may ask Mr. Ramseur to read these reports. Read the yellow portion, perhaps this can refresh his recollection.
Witness: I don’t need to read no reports.
Judge: I need you to do that so that you can answer the next question. All you have to do is take a look.
Witness: I don’t need to see no reports.
Slotnick: I ask you to direct the witness to read the reports.
Judge: I’m directing. Mr. Ramseur, all you have to do is look at the report.
Witness: Look, I know what happened. I don’t have to look.
Judge: That is not the point of the question. The point of the question is what you told other people and whether you remember what you told other people. One of the things that Mr. Slotnick is entitled to do is refresh your recollection, so please, look at the reports and answer his questions. If you have any difficulty reading Mr. Ramseur we will have it read to you silently. Mr. Ramseur?
Witness: No, I’m reading it to myself.
Judge: Alright Mr. Slotnick we’re ready for your question.
Slotnick: Does it refresh your recollection?
Witness: Nope.
Slotnick: Now, Troy Canty was someone you had gone out with before and stolen and robbed?
Witness: Yes it is.
Slotnick: Troy Canty is the individual who on December 22nd told the others where to go, what to do?
Witness: True.
Slotnick: And Darrell Caby was someone else that you admitted you’ve gone out with before and stolen and robbed.
Witness: Yes it is.
Slotnick: And also Barry Allen is someone you’ve known for a period of years and you’ve stolen and robbed with him too? Is that right?
Witness: Yes it is.
Slotnick: So the four of you had each stolen and robbed together?
Witness: We’ve never stole and robbed nobody. We broke into video machines. Why you putting robbing in. We never stole or robbed nobody together.
Slotnick: Well you break into machines.
Witness: Don’t try to convince the jurors that I’m a robber.
Slotnick: Well, let me ask you this Mr. Ramseur. Weren’t you convicted of robbing on the day that Cordelia Mornay was raped and sodomized.
Witness: Yes I was but I never committed that crime.
Slotnick: Oh, I guess the jurors believed that during the trial didn’t they?
Witness: I guess so they were paid to. It was one set-up.
Slotnick: How many jurors were paid?
All of them. You’re probably paying the jurors now.
Slotnick: I pay the jurors?
Witness: This could be a set-up. I don’t know. I don’t bleep know.
Slotnick: Tell me something Mr. Ramseur, have we ever met?
Witness: No we have never ever met but I heard about you.
Slotnick: Oh..I hope it was nothing unpleasant.
Witness: Oh it was unpleasant. I know all about you baby.
Slotnick: Now, since you get later in the afternoon on the 22nd, do you remember what you did on the 21st?
Witness: The 21st of what?
Slotnick: December, the day before.
Witness: Yes.
Slotnick: Alright, tell us what you did.
Witness: I was with my girlfriend all day.
Slotnick: Now, remember what you did the day before?
Witness: Yes I do.
Slotnick: Tell us what you did the day before.
Waples: Now, I’m confused on what day we’re talking about?
Slotnick: We’re talking about…
Witness: What I did the day before got nothing do with this case.
Slotnick: Well the judge is going to make that determination. You just tell us what you did the day before.
Witness: No.
Slotnick: Your Honor I would ask for a direction.
Judge: Do you remember, Mr. Ramseur, what you did on December 20th.
Witness: No.
Judge: You don’t remember.
Witness: No.
Judge: Your answer then is that you don’t remember.
Slotnick: You didn’t just now tell the jury that you remember what you did the day before?
Witness: Look I remember but I’m not going to tell you, it’s none of your business.
Slotnick: Your Honor?
Witness: If I didn’t I wouldn’t have to tell you.
Slotnick: I don’t have to take this abuse, your Honor. Please I ask the court to intercede.
Judge: Mr. Ramseur, when a question is asked if there is no objection and it’s not sustained then you must answer it. That is your obligation.
Witness: No.
Judge: It is something that you promised you would do when you took the oath.
Witness: Alright.
Slotnick: Now would you please answer the question? Please, to the best.
Witness: What I’m doing with my girlfriend has nothing to do with this case.
Judge: He asked only if you remember what you did the day before. He didn’t ask you what you did the day before.
Witness: That’s none of his business.
Judge: But do you remember is all he ask.
Witness: I don’t remember the whole day but I remember some of the day.
Judge: You remember some of the day
Witness: And I refuse to tell.
Slotnick: I’m not going to ask you what you did with anybody that day.
Witness: No, I’m just trying to help you.
Slotnick: I’m just doing to ask you what you did that day.
Witness: Regardless, I’m not going to tell you.
Judge: He didn’t ask you, sir.
Slotnick: Who were you with that day?
Witness: None of your business.
Slotnick: Your Honor?
Judge: Do you remember who you were with Mr. Ramseur?
Witness: Yes, I remember who I was with. I told him, my girlfriend.
Judge: There’s your answer sir.
Slotnick: Alright.
Witness: What you wanta know, the name?
Judge: He didn’t ask you that.
Witness: Sure seem like he did.
Slotnick: Do you remember what you did on the 19th?
Excuse me.
Slotnick: Do you remember what you did on December 19th, the day before that?
Witness: Yeah, I remember what I did the night before that.
Slotnick: Alright, now ah, who were you with that day?
Witness: My girlfriend.
Slotnick: Were you with her all day?
Witness: Not the whole day but most of it.
Slotnick: What did you do that day.
Witness: None of your business.
Judge: How far back are we going Mr. Slotnick?
I have a reason for this your Honor and I will show it to the court and I would ask the court to please admonish the witness not to say, “none of your business, “ anymore.
Witness: None of your business anymore.
Slotnick: I think that’s inappropriate, your Honor.
That’s inappropriate Mr. Ramseur. You just answer the question.
Witness: Judge you better take me out of here.
Judge: Just cool it. I think if you want a break, I think we can take a few minutes.
Slotnick: Mr. Ramseur could use the time, your Honor.
Judge: Why don’t we do that. Jurors, please do not discuss anything to do with this case among yourselves, we’ll be back with you in a few minutes.
[Jury leaves and witness in instructed by his attorney.]
Judge: Mr. Ramseur the court wishes to remind you that you are still under oath, and I’m sure you understand that, is that correct?
Witness: Yeah.
Judge: Okay, now we’re’ almost finished with this cross-examination and that means we’re almost finished with being a witness here. I simply remind you to listen to the questions of the cross-examiner, there are a few remaining. Be attentive to them answer them as shortly as you can with as few amount of words as you can and we’re going to out of here in no time flat, okay. Are you with me?
Witness: Yes, sir Judge. I’m tired of him playing games with me. This is a serious case. He’s playing games with me. I’m ready to get out of here.
Judge: He’s ready to get out of here.
Witness: He’s playing games with me. This is a serious case. He’s playing games with me. Witness: He’s going to ask about some old bullshit. Just take me out of here.
Judge: I’m going to take you out of here as soon as he he’s finished because that is a requirement of the constitution.
Slotnick: I ask you your Honor to direct the witness to answer my questions.
Judge: I know you want to cooperate. I know you want to purge your contempt that you previously committed. Now I’m just asking you to listen to the questions, answer them to the best of your ability and don’t volunteer anything because Waples, you know, Mr. Waples is gonna have a chance to ask anything any wants on re-direct examination.
Witness: Let me tell you something, Judge. This is bleep all together, just take me out of here.
Judge: Well I think the jury already knows that.
Slotnick; His impressions, your Honor.
Witness: Just take me out of here, this is bleep.
Judge: Okay, let’s just go on with this. Let’s bring the jury back in here.
Witness: Judge you gotta get me for contempt cause I’m not gonna answer the questions.
Judge: You want to cooperate?
Witness: I’m ready to cooperate but he’s playing bleep games.
James why don’t you shut up.
Judge: Mr. Ramseur, just answer the questions, don’t volunteer anything, and don’t put on a show.
Witness: Just take me out of here, Judge.
Judge: Let’s go.
Slotnick: We were going back to two days before the shooting. You spent that time, most days with your girlfriend, is that correct? Just answer the question.
Witness: I’m not answering your questions, you’re playing bleep games.
Judge:Wasn’t it two days before the 22nd you said you were with your girlfriend? I think that was the answer.
Witness: Judge, you’re gonna give me contempt cause they’re setting me up. This is bleep.
Judge: When the jury was out of the room we had a sidebar for that and he had a good faith basis for the question and Mr. Slotnick was permitted to ask the question. Now you just answer and don’t get upset. What’s the answer?
Witness: Take me out of here.
Judge: Next question.
Slotnick: I’d like him to respond to that question.
Judge: That’s it, he refuses. Do you have another question?
Slotnick: Yes.
Slotnick: On the day before that, the day before the 19th, did you spend time with your girlfriend on that day too?
Witness: I didn’t spend time with Cordelia Mornay.
Slotnick: Your Honor will you please just direct this witness to answer my question.
Witness: Just take me out of here, this is bleep. I’m not going to answer this question. If you want to get me for contempt , go ahead I’m already in jail for something I didn’t do. More time ain’t gonna hurt me.
Judge: Concentrate on the question.
Witness: Just take me out of here, Judge.
Slotnick: You will remember December 18th, 1984. That was four days before the incident. Do you remember that day, Mr. Ramseur? Do you have any recollection of it at all?
Witness: Take me out of here.
Slotnick: Can you answer my question?
Witness: No.
Slotnick: Do you refuse to answer my question?
Witness: Yes, I refuse to answer the question.
Slotnick: I direct you to answer my question.
Witness: I refuse to answer your question.
Judge: I direct you to answer Mr. Slotnick’s last question.
Witness: I refuse.
Judge: I’m gonna ask the jury to leave the courtroom.
Witness: This is bullshit.
Judge: James, I cannot understand how you can come down the homestretch, be almost finished testifying and then refuse to answer a couple of lousy questions at the end.
What, what what prompt you to put up your back again after you promised me you would purge your contempt?
Witness: Judge, take me back. I’m tired of this bull….
Judge: I’m about to take you back because Mr. Slotnick is almost finished.
Witness: I’m not answering any more bleep questions. The decision is already made already.
Judge: I’m sorry you believe that but it hasn’t been made.
Witness: Yeah, all right.
Judge: Your testimony is important and I don’t want to strike it out because Mr. Slotnick has not been able to cross-examine you and that is just about the next application I’m going to get. And I have finished my weeks research on all the law Mr. Slotnick has given me. I don’t need yet another problem because you refuse to testify at the law few measly questions.
Witness: You’re going to give me contempt because I’m not going to answer.
Judge: I don’t want to give you contempt because I want you to answer the last questions.
Judge: Can you do that last little bit?
Witness: No.
Judge: You think tomorrow morning that you talk to whoever it is you were with at Riker’s Island that you would feel better if you came back tomorrow morning?
Witness: No.
Judge: You know I have no choice but to cite you for contempt again.
Witness: I have no choice, so go ahead.
Judge: Indeed. You have been previously cited and I was using your testimony as a chance to purge that prior citation but didn’t you talk to Mr. Cleaverman about this?
Witness: No. Take me back. I’m not taking no more. This is all a set up.
Slotnick: Your Honor, your Honor, respectfully, I appreciate the concern the court has for this person, but I don’t like to see the court humbling itself to such a point. I would respectfully ask the court to deal with this witness accordingly. How dare he, how dare he use such language in this courtroom and I’m sure the District Attorney agrees with me, how dare he use and abuse the majesty of this court
Witness: You’d do the same thing if you were in my predicament.
Slotnick: I didn’t rape and rob and sodomize a woman.
Witness: You know damn wall who committed that crime.
Judge: The very essence of fairness and justice requires that this witness be completed on the witness stand and not that his entire testimony be stricken which you and I both know of the consequence of his refusal to complete his testimony. Especially after this jury has heard all it’s heard. Unless you are going to make that application and are going to terminate your cross examination now.
Slotnick: The majesty of this court is not terribly much involved more than fairness to the parties and the proceeding. I appreciate that your Honor, and I’m just concerned , perhaps my anger comes from the reaction of the witness. I ah .. I think this court deserves the utmost respect and all the lawyers and litigants do and Mr. Ramseur hasn’t done that. I am angry because I take I do seriously. And I think Mr. Waples, takes what he does seriously and I think the court takes what it does seriously and if I insulted the court than I apologize.
Judge: I understand that and I am still trying to get your cross-examination with this witness completed.
Slotnick: Thank you Judge, I would like to now complete my cross-examination.
Judge: I want him to understand that his very involvement
Witness: You don’t understand, you.
Judge:Unless he finishes these last few questions…
Witness: Take me out of here. You see what he’s doing if it wasn’t for those charges. That’s all he can use is those charges. We’re not talking about the Goetz case. He’s talking about some other charges. He’s trying to come with some other bleep.
Judge: You don’t understand, Mr. Ramseur. What ever he says to this jury about those charges is under my strict control and I am not a partisan here I am a neutral and I would just like to see what is required in this case be done. Now you are almost finished. You are so close to the end. You are walking at the very finish line. If I may…borrow an analogy to the ???? Don't you understand you are almost there?
Witness: I need time.
Judge: I don’t want to give you anymore time. I don’t want to strike your testimony. I want this jury to have your testimony and evidence.
Witness: Judge, I’m not gonna sit here and go for this. I already know what he’s doing . You might not know it but I know it because I’m going through it.
[Please be seated at once Jurors.]
Slotnick: Mr. Ramseur, four days before the incident please tell this jury what you did.
Witness: No.
Judge: I direct you to answer the question Mr. Ramseur. Do you refuse to answer the question?
Witness: I refuse to answer the question.
Judge: If you refuse to answer the question the court will cite you to show cause why you should not be held in contempt of court for failing to answer a lawful question put to you. Do you understand, sir?
Witness: Yes.
Judge: Do you still refuse to answer?
Witness: Yes.
Judge: I hold you in contempt on that question. Next question.
Slotnick: Before December 22nd, 1984 when was the last time you met with Barry Allen?
Witness: I ain’t answering no more questions.
Judge: I direct you to answer that question.
Witness: I ain’t answering no more of your questions either.
Judge: I haven’t ask you any.
Witness: He asked me fourteen times. Com ‘on man.
Judge: I don’t know how many questions are going to be put to you that you are going refuse to answer but I direct you to answer each and every question that is not objected to and which the objection is not sustained. The last question will be read back to you and I direct you to answer it.
Witness: I ain’t answering no more questions, Judge.
Judge: You understand the penalty will be contempt?
Witness: I understand.
Judge: I cite you to show cause why you should not be held in contempt for refusing to answer that question. Next question, Mr. Slotnick.
Slotnick: Prior to December 22nd, 1984 when was the last time you met with Troy Canty, Darrell Caby, and Barry Allen?
Judge: Answer the question, please.
Judge: Do you refuse to answer sir or can you answer, will you answer?
Judge: Let the record reflect that the witness remains complete silent and refuses to nod in any direction. I direct you to answer that question, Mr. Ramseur.
Witness: [Silence]
Judge: I hold you in contempt on that question. Next question, Mr. Slotnick.
Slotnick: Prior to December 22, 1984 when was the last time that you, together with Troy Canty, Darrell Caby and Barry Allen committed a crime against another human being?
Witness: When was the last time you got drunk...
Judge: Jury, disregard that man's statement. That is nonresponsive, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. The answer is stricken. You will answer the question as asked.
Witness: Judge, take me out of here. I’m tired of this bullshit.
Judge: Mr. Slotnick, you have any further questions?
Slotnick: I do you Your Honor but I think it’s a waste of time. I don’t, I don’t waste the juries time or the courts time or Mr. Goetz’s time.
Judge: Unless the DA has any further questions.
Waples: I waive, Judge.
Judge: Thank you very much Mr. Waples. This witness is excused. Let him be removed from the courtroom.