Harry Newsom, being sworn in, attests as follows:
I am the son of Robert Newsom. My father was missing the morning of Sunday, the 24th of June. I heard of it and went down to his house. Other farmers were there when I got there. I examined the cabin in and about and in the yard. Some bones were found a short distance from the cabin along a path. The path led to the stable. No buttons were found then, portions of the bones were found. The company picked the bones out of the grass and placed them in my hands. I carried them home. I wrapped them in paper and put them into a box. Other bones were found by Mrs. Wainscott and put into the same box. This is the box; I left them with Mr. Bentley, the circuit court clerk. Since August the county clerk has had them. My sister put the bones she found in the box. There are some of the pieces I put into the box. The bones that I picked up, I put into the box. I saw no bones picked up in the cabin; saw nothing picked up in there. I saw nothing picked out of the ashes but bones, the path leading to the stable.